Lawyers Are On Your Side

There are probably few professions are vilified as that of lawyers. TV and Films have made sure that the general population is generally scared or at least predisposed towards them. Lawyers in fiction seem to exist solely for delivering punishment, be ruthless and take away every last cent in your pocket.

However the fact is that this is an innacurate representation of reality. Law is a complex subject in reality, but there’s one simple fact that nobody can deny: The law exists to protect us.

What we know as the law are a series of rules that make sure our rights, wellbeing and cpaital is protected. And this means that Lawyers are also here to protect those interests. Lawyers are ultimately our firends, and if they didn’t exist we’d have no way to protect our rights. So let’s take a look at how their real job is like, and why they can be a great help for you.

Lawyers protect your interests

The first thing we need to understand is that lawyers always stand for somebody’s rights. So it’s not possible for a lawyer to start a case for no reason at all and much less to harass an individual.

A legal process starts when an individual or company contacts a lawyer and asks for their representation and assistance to solve an issue. This might be a breach of cotnract, theft, and accident or anything like that. In short they respond to the need of individuals to start a legal process when their wellbeing or rights are vulnerated.

Likewise it’s important to understand that the law in generalis there to protect you. Sure, the law has punishments in the forms of fines and prisons, but these only exist for people who do break the law. If you are an upstanding citizzen and somebody else affets your life, you can rely on lawyers to defend you.

Not all lawyers are like they appear on TV

Every single profession has people that are only in for the money. And to be fair everybody has the right to be receive payment for their job. But that doesn’t mean that all lawyers are moneygrabbers,. In fact certain firms like are actively pushing to overcome this mentality in their clients,

At Enara Law the traditional fee format is a thing of the past, and the focuse lies on offering a apyment system that is both clear and fair. Billable hours are gone and the excessive fees left along with them. Instead Enara offers transparency on it’s billing process so each clients knows exactly what the costs willb e ahead of time.